- Why do refugees leave their country?
- War
- Religious beliefs
- Political views
- Natural disasters eg earthquakes
- They have no money (poverty) for basics such as food and shelter
- They fear for their own lives and that of their families
2. What is the difference between a refugee and a migrant?
Refugees are forced to leave their country because they are in danger. They leave behind their belongings, family members and friends. They often have no warning and have been treated badly. They cannot return unless the reason they left improves. They have no choice.
Migrants are people who choose to leave their country, usually for a better life. Before they leave they can plan and research. They are free to return home at any time.
3. Who helps them to find accommodation?
- Refugee Services
- Housing New Zealand
- Church groups
4. What are some of the problems that refugees face when settling in a new country?
- Language - learning to speak English.
- Leaving family behind.
- Getting a job, they are often not able to work in the field they are trained in.
- Racism.
- Different food.
- Not feeling part of the community.
- Not having friends.
- Different clothing.
- Not being able to go home and visit family.
5. Why do they like living in New Zealand?
- They feel safe.
- They can work and provide food and shelter for their families.
- There is low cost or free health care.
- Free education.
- Freedom of speech.
- Can practise their religious beliefs.
- Nicer environment to live in - clean and green.